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Volunteer Needed!
자원봉사자를 모집합니다.
지금 신청하세요!

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KCSC is the official certifying organization of
the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) !

The PVSA recognizes individuals, families and groups who have achieved a certain standard–measured by the number of hours served over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a life time.

KCSC is a certifying organization for these awards, and volunteers working for KCSC can receive an official lapel pin, personalized certificate of achievement, and a congratulatory letter from the president of the United States.

The award is divided into different levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level is determined based on the age groups and the number of hours that volunteers receive.

Volunteer Award Qualification

-  U.S. citizen or Permanent resident
-  Service time calculation is done yearly or lifetime
-  Court-ordered community service does not count
-  Application is done through certifying Organization
-  Only services done for organizations in the U.S. and its territories are recognized.

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KCSC welcomes volunteers to join our organization.

It provides an opportunity to help people, grow together, and gain meaningful experiences through various activities. Volunteering is also a great way to utilize spare time and increase the value and sense of accomplishment in life. Join us now and share valuable experiences with us! We look forward to the interest and participation of many volunteers.


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In Recognition of Our Invaluable Volunnteers

On behalf of the Korean Community Service Center, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our invaluable volunteers for their active participation in giving back to the community. All of them have shown compassion through their effort and hard work. They are true inspiration to everyone. We do hope they have gained some inner satisfaction in knowing through their efforts they have made our community a better place. In 2017 alone, our volunteers have contributed 2,643 hours of their time at Korean Community Service Center. 

Soo Hyun Cho, 조수현 / Kyung Hee Cho, 조경희 / Grace Choe, 그레이스최 / Kyung Won Choi, 최경원 / Na Young Chung, 정나영 / Sung Kil Chun, 전성길 / Moon Hee Han, 한문희 / Kyung Hee Kang, 강경희 / Michelle Kim, 김미현 / Olivia Kim, 올리비아 김 / Sung Hae Kim, 김성해 /  Tim Kim, 김길수 / Won Jun Kim, 김원준 / Yu Min Kim, 김유민 / Young Mi Lee, 이영미 / Suk Yeon Oh,오석연 / Grace Park, 그레이스 박 / Mee Na Park, 박미나 / Young Joon Park, 박영준 / Young Min Song, 송영민 / Rachel Kim Tschida, 레이첼 김 / Michael Wakeley, 마이클 웨이클리

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